Some good ol' fashioned unintentional light leaks, underexposed, and out of focus mistakes.
I was recently listening to a message by Erwin McManus about Creating A Space For Failure:
“Losing makes you grow. Do you want to lose with me? Growing helps you win. Do want to lose with me?”
"We need to create an environment where people can be bad and be safe. Where people are learning how to sing, to speak.. We're going to get worse so that we can get better because we want to create a place where people can fail and struggle and be imperfect and can learn and we cheer them on because they are giving it their best."
I'm hoping that we can be people who extend grace to others and ourselves when we fail. Because losing makes you grow, and growing helps you win. We need each other a lot more than we don't.
There can be beauty in the struggle and imperfection.